Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feeling better... maybe?

So, I am feeling better I'd say; my sinuses are starting to clear out, my nose stopping running so much and my sneezing slowing down. But last night, I started this coughing thing. So, some symptoms are going away and others are starting! Great. Well, at least I feel better. Now, to shake this cough that is starting up. And hope this tiny headache goes away that is trying to start and the weird ear swooshing noises that just happened a bit ago from all the gunk stored up in there!

1 comment:

Jamie Adam said...

I'm so glad you emailed this to me! This is so cool! Now, it will easy to keep up with what you are doing and I can read or print this stuff off for the kidos!! Happy to hear you are feeling better, too. Loce you! Have a great weekend!