Monday, February 8, 2010

No class

I decided not to go to class. I was feeling better, took a nice hot shower and ate supper, but I remembered what we were doing in class wasn't all that helpful. We were just learning how to navigate the library's website, and I already know how to do that. And, besides, it'd just be a lot of "Go here" and "Click on that", not helpful even if I needed the help. So I decided to stay here in the dorm and relax some more.
I plan to work in the morning and then go to a puppy club outing tomorrow afternoon. The plan is to meet at a raiser's house, walk to a bus stop, take the bus for almost a half hour, get off, walk around and then go back. I've got Access rides there and back and am just hoping it doesn't rain. If it looks like it will, they'll cancel the outing.
I love seeing the pups in training. I'd love to be able to co-raise some day and am hoping to learn more about it as I attend meetings and outings when I can. Puppy-raisers are amazing!

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